MAY 5th, 2018 Artist’s Talk with Pet Psychic at pb&j Gallery
Don’t miss this fun free event
Robin’s GALLERY TALK features renown PET COMMUNICATOR, Kelly Goff
on MAY 5th, from 2-4 in the afternoon.
pb&j gallery
35 Howard St., SE
Atlanta, GA 30317
MYSTERY CATS is a new series by ROBIN DAVIS, and part of the STORYTELLERS exhibition at pb&j Gallery in Kirkwood that runs until May 18th.
Join us on May 5th for Robin’s gallery talk with a special guest, renown Atlanta PET PSYCHIC Kelly Goff, when all the Cat Secrets will be revealed.
There is still time to play the Cat Guessing Game at the talk! At the end, the PRINT WINNER of the Cat Guessing-Game Contest that began at the Show’s Opening Night PARTY will be announced. ( …You do not have to be present to win. )
Robin Davis will discuss her in-the-moment attitude that allowed her to commune photographically with each cat in their surroundings, to compose with visual resonance and to get each cat to express some of their own unique persona to her camera. Renown Atlanta PET PSYCHIC, Kelly Goff will READ each Cat’s photograph to reveal even more… perhaps behind the scenes Stories and Details of each Cat’s life in their little village, their human friends, or even their deepest thoughts.
pb&j gallery
35 Howard St., SE
Atlanta, GA 30317
The Mystery Cats Exhibition will be up through May 18th, 2018
It’s France vs Italy in this series of photo compositions by Robin Davis, where the cats rule. Each village has a favorite feline ambassador to greet us, the one who knows all the town secrets and alleyway passages. Will they tell?
All images and Text ©2018 Robin Davis, all rights reserved.
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