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Inspirational Places

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Personal Instruction

Apr 6 2015   Judging of the 5 Directives Challenge

Robin returns to COBB PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY to review the results of her Photographic Challenge Competition

Tree and Big House by Robin Davis

COBB PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY  – Robin Davis will be returning Monday evening to judge the results of her Photo Competition Challenge and everyone is invited to attend.

Monday, April 6th, 2015

7:00 PM


American Business Center, Bldg 700, Suite 702
1395 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA (map)

This Competition is based on her talk EMPOWERING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY – 5 Basic Directives and Robin asked everyone to create new work based on 5 in-camera decisions for creating stronger more personal images.

After the judging everyone will have a chance to talk to Robin about their images and the decisions they made, and have a question and answer session as well. This is a unique opportunity for us and an important forum to talk about the deeper meaning of photography in our lives and in our image based culture that is continuing to evolve as a new visual language of self expression.

You can find Robin’s work on her website –

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